
Showing posts from August 10, 2020

Further Adventures at the Kitchen Sink

I often have used my kitchen as the setting for various philosophical revelations, since, after all, I do spent a lot of time there, and so it is natural that thoughts will occur to me. The proverbial kitchen sink itself has been not only the backdrop but even the spur to enlightenment. Another such episode has just occurred.                 As I was rinsing the items in the sink one by one and then placing them in the disk rack to dry, I encountered a familiar discombobulation due to the awkward arrangement of some large items. Chiefly two mugs are responsible, which, if placed in one location, result in everything stacking up nicely, but otherwise not.                 The key is to position the mugs before anything else. Sometimes this comes about by chance, but usually not. And why not? Because I am not paying attention .                 Now, who cares, right? So I have to rearrange the items in the dish rack sometimes: So what? Actually paying attention to not paying attentio